Friday, March 12, 2021

this is my writing for this week

 my writing : 

 differences between the middle school and Junior School

junior school students can't go on the senior and middle school playground. 

When your a year three you can go on the middle school playground. But when you are a year four you can go on the senior play ground. When you are a senior you go on a different deck when you are eating. And we have a part of the field that juniors and year 3 are not allowed. Juniors are going to get a new playground its a huge one and year fours are allowed on it. it looks very cool but seniors are not allowed on it. When you are middle you can be in the same class as a year four if you are a year 3. If you are a senior you can be in the same class as a year 6 if you are a year 5. Year fours do more work then the year 3. The seniors do more work then the middle school and junior school. 

have yo ever done writing like this before? write a message in the comments if you have 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have found a lot of differences between the different syndicates at PCS. Which is your favourite?
