Tuesday, March 2, 2021

if I could change my school in anyway

This is my writing for today: 

If i could change my school in anyway

Beginning  If I could change my school, I would let students who forget 

their hat get a hat in the office for free. I would add a canteen to the school, I would add a science room and I would make year fours, seniors. I would make the senior playground the biggest in the school.

Middle  The reason that I would make hats free is so that they could play with their friends on the playground and on the field and don't miss out on their play time. I would add the canteen because if sometimes students want different food they could go buy something and if they forget their food they can buy something. It would make school more fun. I would keep ice blocks and cold drinks in the canteen for hot summer days and hot food for cold rainy days. I would put noodles, butter chicken and rice, fruits, chicken salad, sandwiches, and many other yummy foods. The science room would make the students learn more and get smart and at lunch we could do fun stuff like making volcanoes and many other interesting experiments. The reason Year 4’s should be seniors is because we are in a classroom with the year 5 students. We get to do the same things and learn harder.

End i really believe that our school should get free hats for the students, a new canteen, science room, a huge playground and year 4’s should be considered seniors.

have you ever done a narrative writing before 


  1. What awesome changes you would make Ayah. I like how you explained all your choices with great reasons. I definitely agree that a canteen would a great idea.

  2. You have done so much work, this is great! Good job with making a beginning, middle and end.
