Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fill in the blanks

 today for reading i did fill in the blanks:

it was really fun 

have you ever filled in the blanks? comment down below if you have  

Venn diagram

 this week i compared for writing teachers and principals and beaches and waterfalls:

have you ever compared teachers and principals or waterfalls and beaches? comment down below if you have 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My word search

 this is one of my tasks i did this week:

this is my Geronimo Stilton book 

have you read Geronimo Stilton and made a word search about it? comment on my blog if you have 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Pizza recipe

 this is my pizza recipe i did all by myself:

i thought it was so fun i made a sausage pizza and a chicken pizza they were delicious

try out my awesome pizza recipe.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Reading poster

 this is my reading poster that i did this week:

i thought it would be fun to do a baking book and it was a great idea i loved it

have you ever done a poster like this before?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My penguin mosaic

 this was my learning that i did this week for visual art: 

 i have enjoyed learning to do a mosaic because it was also stressful and tough but then i got the hang of it i have enjoyed it 


 this is was my task for this week:

i enjoyed learning about fractions because it was new for me and it was fun 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

context clues

this week i have been learning about context clues 
 i have enjoyed doing my reading because it was fun learning how to spell the words which were hard to say.and i finished quickly

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Division work


This is my work:

I hope you enjoy my work on division. I learnt how to divide problems by using my multiplication facts. 
Have you ever done division like this? 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Drawing Conclusions

This is my work: 

I learnt how to draw conclusions on a story. I hope you like it and learn something new. Have you ever had work on drawing conclusions on a story? 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

My te reo


This is my te reo that i did this week: 

Have you ever done te reo before and do you know about it?
I did a very good animation, comment if you like it. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

My transformation

This is my learning about transformation:

Have you ever done anything about transformation? I put my work in one of the slides. Transformation is about translation,reflection and rotation hope you comment on my blog :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

my striped invader wasp poster

 this is my learning about striped invader wasps: 

have you ever done a poster about wasps before?

i had to summarise the story then write stuff that was important and i wanted to learn about.

Monday, April 12, 2021


 my maths that i did this week:

we had to write the maths that we did in the maths activities and the we wrote it in my book and we did it with a buddy. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

prediction before reading

 this is my reading for this week:

Friday, March 26, 2021

my writing

 this is my writing that i did for this week: 

the amazing Cinderella story 

You shall go to the ball proclaimed the fairy godmother With a click of her fingers and a swish of her wand. the magic happened and Cinderella disappeared off into the night on the adventure of a lifetime. On the adventure she was so amazed because it was called edible magic land. there were bunnies that looked so real but it was actually chocolate there were animals that looked so real you would be scared to take a bite. there were mushrooms some people hate mushrooms but these ones are bubblegum mushrooms that taste amazing. there were many other things and then she noticed something shiny very shiny. It was a door she came closer and closer. then she opened the door very very slowly and she couldn't see anything. That's how bright it  was. After all the shiny light she saw the most beautiful magnificent unicorn. it had shiny hair and golden feet and way more fantastic stuff but then i remembered the BALL! I gasped with shock. then i said how about you ride me buddy then i hopped on and i noticed it's a magic unicorn. so then the unicorn that's amazing i looked to the back of me and then i looked back i was at the ball it was like the unicorn was flash. i for got my dress the fairy godmother is not here but as soon as i said that i looked down my beautiful magnificent dress was on. it was wonderful It was light blue and dark blue then i heard a sprinkle sound then i took my hand and i felt my tiara. This is truly magical! Then i ran to the ball i felt wet grass it was mushy because I DID NOT HAVE MY GLASS HEELS ON AND IT WAS RAINING. But then i didn't feel any mushy rainy grass i looked? Down onto the ground and my glass heels are on! This is getting very cool i was all dressed up and then i started dancing THE END 

 I highlighted the coloured words because it was a story that i had to continue on that is why it is highlighted in turquoise let me know in the comments if you like it! 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

problem solving task

 This is my chilli task for this week it is chilli 3.Check it out down bellow 

I kinda didn't this because it was too easy but chilli 4 is too hard. How do you like it tell me in the comments.

Friday, March 12, 2021

this is my writing for this week

 my writing : 

 differences between the middle school and Junior School

junior school students can't go on the senior and middle school playground. 

When your a year three you can go on the middle school playground. But when you are a year four you can go on the senior play ground. When you are a senior you go on a different deck when you are eating. And we have a part of the field that juniors and year 3 are not allowed. Juniors are going to get a new playground its a huge one and year fours are allowed on it. it looks very cool but seniors are not allowed on it. When you are middle you can be in the same class as a year four if you are a year 3. If you are a senior you can be in the same class as a year 6 if you are a year 5. Year fours do more work then the year 3. The seniors do more work then the middle school and junior school. 

have yo ever done writing like this before? write a message in the comments if you have 

my maths

 this my maths : 


  1. 23+15=38

  2. 12+32=44

  3. 19+25=44

  4. 18+19=37

  5. 36+14=50

  6. 21+44=65

  7. 45+24=69

  8. 54+68=122

  9. 30+80=108

  10. 60+70=130

  11. 110+23=133

  12. 123+20=142

  13. 108+26=143

  14. 106+43=149

  15. 126+33= 159

Friday, March 5, 2021

mysterious package

 this is my interesting writing :

          Mysterious package 

Beginning: Ding dong.... the doorbell rang, I wondered who it was. I ran to the door and opened it. I looked around but I couldn't see anything. I was about to close the door when I saw a cardboard box, it said to: Ayah from: Kaya. She lived all the way in Japan. I was so excited! I opened the box and inside was a blue and yellow spotted egg. This is interesting, I wonder what is inside.

The note inside said keep in a warm area for 3 days.

Middle: After 3 days of keeping the egg near the fireplace, I noticed it started to crack. I couldn't believe my eyes. A tiny little bird, but not a common bird. It came with special instructions in the box. I had to get a special medicine so she can learn to talk with me and play with me. 

End I looked after my Japanese bird and the day i came home from school i saw she needed the medicine fast so I looked at the box where the instructions were, it said where to get the medicine. So I followed the map and I got it. I ran back, I saw how to make it so I did and I gave it to her. She got better but she didn't just get better she growed older she starting speaking and we became best friends ever.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

my writing

this is my writing for today : 

If i had a magic wand 

Beginning If I had a magic wand, I would make up my own spells and try them out. The most important one i would do is “husky wanusky” and guess what.. I will get. Ta daa… a beautiful black and white husky. It will be my very own puppy. It will grow so big. When it's a puppy I will use my magic wand to train it with lots of tricks and also take care of his health. 

When it's a big dog It will be my companion all the time. I will always take it for walks and make sure it's strong. I would buy good stuff like food or would just use my wand to make my food, and I don't have to buy anything. I just say whatever i want and it comes by using my wand. 


I want to use my wand for a husky because I always want a dog but my parents never say yes. They think it will be too much work and money to get a husky. With my magic wand, I can get not only a husky but a poodle as well. Maybe I will get many poodles and many huskies.


I can't wait to get my magic wand and have fun with my dogs.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

My writing

 this is my writing for today :

Nobody knew about my secret power but it was all about to change


 I was at school I knew I couldn't just sit here, I needed to do something while my secret superhero watch was beeping. I told my teacher, “can i go the toilet?” She said, “yes” so i ran to the bathroom. I didn't need to go it was because of my watch, my brain clicked. “Its an emergency!” i haven't had my secret superhero watch beep in a very long time. My watch is telling me something. I looked to see what was going on. i gasped, my school is in danger. I can't show them that i am a superhero. So what do i do to save them. The danger that was coming was evil aliens.  I remembered there was a whole school assembly. I knew that was the perfect time to say we were in danger but they would ask where did you get all this information from. I knew i had to change in to my superhero costume and  save them, so I did. 


while i was in my invisible mode i saw  GREEN BLOBS OF SLIME and i knew it was the aliens, so i ran as fast as i could.  I said to the principal, “i am sorry to disturb but the whole school is in danger so you need to get out because i have proof what is coming. Look! It is the green blobs of slime. Do you know what it is? “no”.  “it is aliens, they are COMING”

Before i could say anything more the aliens started appearing and attacking. It started shooting at all the children in the school. I told them to go to the auditorium and stay in there and lock the doors. I will use my special powers to defeat and to kill them all and then half of them got defeated and then someone came as a superhero. It was my friend. She was also a superhero. She was fighting them like I was and killing them like I was. I was lucky to have a friend who was a  superhero. The alien was about to hit me from behind but I changed my button on my watch and put my leg and  hit the alien with fire.  That was the last one, we had won.


Everyone was looking straight at me. I was so embarrassed and wanted to hide. Then I heard the principal… “Please show us who you are?”. We would like to reward you for saving our school. I took off my mask and everyone gasped. Its Ayah and Livia! Everyone started clapping and cheering, i was so happy.

Have you ever wrote a story about being a superhero?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

if I could change my school in anyway

This is my writing for today: 

If i could change my school in anyway

Beginning  If I could change my school, I would let students who forget 

their hat get a hat in the office for free. I would add a canteen to the school, I would add a science room and I would make year fours, seniors. I would make the senior playground the biggest in the school.

Middle  The reason that I would make hats free is so that they could play with their friends on the playground and on the field and don't miss out on their play time. I would add the canteen because if sometimes students want different food they could go buy something and if they forget their food they can buy something. It would make school more fun. I would keep ice blocks and cold drinks in the canteen for hot summer days and hot food for cold rainy days. I would put noodles, butter chicken and rice, fruits, chicken salad, sandwiches, and many other yummy foods. The science room would make the students learn more and get smart and at lunch we could do fun stuff like making volcanoes and many other interesting experiments. The reason Year 4’s should be seniors is because we are in a classroom with the year 5 students. We get to do the same things and learn harder.

End i really believe that our school should get free hats for the students, a new canteen, science room, a huge playground and year 4’s should be considered seniors.

have you ever done a narrative writing before 

Monday, March 1, 2021


 This is my maths for today

have you ever done maths like this?

my acrostic poem

this is my poem how do you like it 

Adventurous i can be 

Young girl is me 

Always extraordinary

Heartwarming i love to be

have you ever done a acrostic poem before? write in the comments if you have

Thursday, February 25, 2021

subtraction through the number line maths

chilli four is my maths for this week 

have you ever done maths like this before?

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Maths equation

There are 7 new apple trees.

Each tree has either 2 or 5 apples. 

How many apples could there be?

if there is 7 apple trees and 2 apples on each tree.

That means 7 x 2 = 14

if there is 7 trees again but with 5 apples on each tree that means

7 x 5 =35

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Maths problem

 I have 4 fish bowls and 14 fish. How many might I put in each bowl? 

in 2 bowls i will put 4 fish.

4 x 2 = 8 and in the other 2 bowls i will put 3 fish.

and 3 x 2 = 6

6 + 8 = 14

I found out that 14 fish can not be divided equally into  4 bowls