Thursday, July 23, 2020

                We are having a school canopy so i wrote a story and  i hope you enjoy the story i wrote   

                                                            the school canopy
At my school we are having a canopy the canopy is going to be huge it is going to take up the whole middle and junior court they have things like diggers and danger signs so nobody gets hurt there was heaps of noise when they were making the holes for the poles there were cool machines but dangerous and we are also not aloud to go look at them because there is a fence but the fence has holes so you can see but if inside there is no way to go inside and also look inside and do you no what the canopy is for no what the canopy is for its for when it ran's the children can go under the canopy for shelter and the canopy will be nice underneath instead of hard concrete floor it's going to be artificial! Grass it's going                                                      to be nice and kind of comfy

I enjoyed describing the Canopy.
Do you have a canopy at your school?

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