Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fill in the blanks

 today for reading i did fill in the blanks:

it was really fun 

have you ever filled in the blanks? comment down below if you have  

Venn diagram

 this week i compared for writing teachers and principals and beaches and waterfalls:

have you ever compared teachers and principals or waterfalls and beaches? comment down below if you have 


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My word search

 this is one of my tasks i did this week:

this is my Geronimo Stilton book 

have you read Geronimo Stilton and made a word search about it? comment on my blog if you have 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Pizza recipe

 this is my pizza recipe i did all by myself:

i thought it was so fun i made a sausage pizza and a chicken pizza they were delicious

try out my awesome pizza recipe.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Reading poster

 this is my reading poster that i did this week:

i thought it would be fun to do a baking book and it was a great idea i loved it

have you ever done a poster like this before?

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My penguin mosaic

 this was my learning that i did this week for visual art: 

 i have enjoyed learning to do a mosaic because it was also stressful and tough but then i got the hang of it i have enjoyed it 


 this is was my task for this week:

i enjoyed learning about fractions because it was new for me and it was fun